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Old 31st December 2009, 16:36
talky-tim talky-tim is offline  
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Derby
Posts: 30
Originally Posted by Dave Rowland View Post
Yup. Last time I was at Crewe (in the late summer), all the 60's at Crewe Diesel Depot (currently FIFTEEN) were stored INSIDE the shed, and you won't get to see a lot at Crewe Electric Depot by peering through the gates either, there aren't any 60's there now anyway. There's a LOT (SEVENTY FOUR!!!) of 60's currently stored at Toton Depot, quite a few of which you would be able to see from the grassy (muddy?) bank to the east of the line. Best of luck!
Thanks Dave, Rassy etc.. for the info so far gents. I only live about five miles away from Toton and visit it at least once a week. (Nothing like what it was on the late seventies early eighties is it?) All the 60's there are out doors and decaying rapidly, and i have seen all but approx two of the ones stabled there according to the list on the wnxx website. There are two stored at margam that i will need to visit when its a bit warmer. Just checking if any of the fifteen at crewe where visible or not from any roads. Again thanks for the replys, some funny ones here cos i didn't get any replies to my previous and first ever thread since joining the group, Cheers.... Perhaps see some of ya on Toton hill one day.
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