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Old 5th November 2009, 11:49
48111 48111 is offline  
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 414
Well 62440, I have done that and went on to Satellite and zoomed in that what they call progress ?

The whole situation really is unbelievable,the railway system in and around Nuneaton is a skeleton of its former self. Nuneaton was always rather ignored by the railway heirachy despite its superb location and the ability to be able to get most anywhere from there with its branch lines going off in all directions.The shed at Nuneaton (2B), my shed, was always a busy shed, although we had very little booked passenger work, we did have the locals to Coventry and Leamington and down to Tamworth in the other direction, the bulk of the work was goods trains and trip working. Even up to the 80s in BR days with the diesels, long after the shed had gone, when Nuneaton was a booking on point, Nuneaton men used to work up and down the WCML and branches, and over to Banbury on the Western, in fact there was one guard who has now sadly passed away,who signed the road in to Paddington !
My route card was not a "bad un", I signed Euston down to Crewe and through to Liverpool Lime street AND branches, I signed over to Banbury on the western, I signed all round Birmingham including Tysley, Birmingham New Street, Bescot and I was one of the few Nuneaton men who actually signed Moor Street station, and with a good route card you got the work to compliment it. When my kids were little and growing up I was always after a bit extra in the "paypacket", so I done what I could, I have known The time when I have booked on at 1800 in the evening and booked off at 10 or 11 o clock THE NEXT MORNING !! There was a joke at Nuneaton, if we got a job which went through on the WCML we used to say "Dont send relief, send food" !!!
Those were the days right enough, Nuneaton was a great place to work, great work mates, they really were a brilliant bunch of blokes. Even today I am still a "NUNEATON MAN" and always will be.

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