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Old 17th August 2008, 09:39
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Track at Bury Bolton Street

Just a question for the more knowledgeable ELR people here about the track at Bury Bolton Street.

I couldn't help but notice that just outside the short bridge/tunnel at Bolton Street there's a peice of track that appears to have a fair ammount of ballast missing from under it - and the track dips rather visibly when a train runs over it and makes a rather loud clinking sound. I know track is supposed to dip slightly when trains run over it but I can't recall ever seeing quite so much "dipping" on any peice of line I've ever seen.

It's been there for a long while now since I've noticed it before but I was just curious as to if anyone else knows about it (sure they do) and if it's a problem - since I would imagine it would wear that peice of rail out rather significantly?

Last edited by Deathbyteacup; 17th August 2008 at 09:44.
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