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ThomasS 23rd February 2010 13:10

Eating habits in train stations

We are a team of students in Avans Hogeschool in the Netherlands, currently performing a research about the eating habits in train stations.
To be more precise we are interested in these moments, between the meals, when you do not want to eat too much but still crave for something to quench your hunger or your thirst.

Now, imagine yourself at a train station, you are thirsty or hungry or both. What are you going to do? Just let it pass you by, hunger is but an illusion? Search for some food? If so, what kind of food? Or are you going to do something completely different?
What would you do in a train station you are familiar with? And in one you have never been before?

There is only one limitation, you cannot leave the train station or at least not go very far from it.

We are hoping for answers as accurate and diverse as possible.

Thank you.

Anon Mouse 23rd February 2010 13:24

Tall Latte, milk and sugar at Starbucks or Costa thanks! :)

Deathbyteacup 23rd February 2010 13:25

Normally just grab some crisps or a butty from WH Smith or a "big red vending machine" that every platform has 10 of these days, or somthing?

pre65 23rd February 2010 13:40

Probably a cup of tea (or latte) and a scone if there's a cafe.

62440 23rd February 2010 14:18

I never go to "Train Stations". It's Railway Stations!

Regards, 62440.

pre65 23rd February 2010 14:30


Originally Posted by 62440 (Post 42557)
I never go to "Train Stations". It's Railway Stations!

Regards, 62440.

To most people train station and railway station are one and the same thing.:D

And what would you call a station that had trains and trams ?

62440 23rd February 2010 14:39

A transport interchange? "Train Station" is a horrible Americanism. To me it's a Station on the Railway, not a Station on the Train.

Regards, 62440.

ccmmick 23rd February 2010 15:31

Now Now you lot it's a Train/Railway Station.

I myself take a flask of tea or coffee with me then buy a sandwich crisps and chocolate at the shop on the train station whoops sorry railway station or wherever.


Anon Mouse 23rd February 2010 16:13

and leave a huge yule log in the mess room toilets, or is that just me?

ccmmick 23rd February 2010 16:19

You say about that Anon
I know a bloke that went into the shunters toilets at Tavistock Jtc NO PAPER :eek: so he used his yellow vest and blocked the toilets up :D :D.


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